About us

Green Industry Park-project is integrated to the regional development company Business Turku to help develop and locate industrial businesses in the bioeconomy, circular economy and renewable energy sectors in Turku Region.  

Our aim is to attract, support, and to create opportunities for new industrial investments that can benefit from the region’s wide-ranging opportunities. The green movement towards a more sustainable future for our planet is close to our hearts! Our focus is on creating win-win solutions where everyone can benefit from the ecosystem’s synergies and side streams.

We work in close collaboration with municipalities, universities, and regional developers.

Contact details

Green Industry Park’s operation is integrated to regional development company Business Turku

More contacts at Business Turku website:

Contacts – Business Turku

Green Industry Park Contact Linda Fröberg-Niemi  Photo

Linda Fröberg-Niemi

COO, Business Turku Ltd.
+358 50 587 3441

Green Industry Park Contact Timo Suutarla photo

Timo Suutarla

Network Manager, Business Turku Ltd.
+358 40 186 5995

Green Industry Park Contact Toivo Koskinen photo

Toivo Koskinen

Senior Specialist, Business Turku Ltd.
+358 44 769 6771

Green Industry Park Oy board of directors 2021–2023

Panu Routila, chairperson
Janne Virtanen (Varsinais-Suomen liitto), deputy chairperson
Mika Aalto (Kemianteollisuus ry)
Jyri Arponen (Sitra)
Mika Hannula (University of Turku)

Niko Kyynäräinen (City of Turku)
Lassi Rosala (City of Naantali)
Tero Svinhufvud (Fortum Oyj)
Eero Vainio (City of Raisio)
Turo Järvinen, secretary to the board